Sunday, April 6, 2008

Not So Lazy Sunday

In order to shake off some of the dreariness of the morning, I loaded the boys in the car and headed off to Krispy Kream. (Every now and then I will give Mike a glorious morning of sleeping in until he can sleep no more.) We watched the doughnuts being made, picked out our favorite ones, and then went home to enjoy them with a glass of milk.

I was really worried that we would have to spend the whole day in Lego Star Wars land, but fortunately the sun appeared and our day went from dull and gray to beautiful. Haircuts on the deck, mowing the lawn with Daddy, moving rocks around, and cleaning out the garage. I know that it sounds like a lot of work, but it was really so much fun.

All that time out in the sunshine getting the yard cleaned was so satisfying. And as we drove past the house on our way to and from church tonight there was a wonderful sense of accomplishment. Our hard, but extremely fun work made a difference that we can not only see, but be proud of. And having everyone pitch in meant that the whole family shared in the pride of a job well done.

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