Friday, April 11, 2008

boys will be boys

I love to watch my boys be boys. We went to The Preserve yesterday and they had the best time getting wet and dirty. The picked up sticks and made them into light sabers, they crossed stones to get across a river (intentionally "falling" in), and they whooped and hollered. They had a wonderful time, and I had a wonderful time watching them. There are times when I find myself ready to chastise them for being too wild, too loud, or getting too dirty, but then I step back and realize that they are merely exploring the world around them. They are LIVING.

Lately they are very carnal with one another. If boy 1 has something boy 2 wants he just goes and takes it, which in turn makes boy 1 very angry and then they proceed to pull, push, punch, and wrestle each other for the thing. If it gets really violent I'll break the skirmish up, but part of me recognizes their need to work it out. And they usually do- in one way or another.

And yet I still find them snuggled together reading books, or laughing like crazy while they are taking a bath. There behavior can be so dramatically different from one moment to the next. Its is fascinating to watch.


Betty said...

You sound like a really great mom---and Tricia says you are!! Plus she says your boys are very well-behaved---a sure sign of good parenting.

I am looking forward to meeting you soon. I apologize for calling you the wrong name. I don't even know where that name came from!

Tricia said...

Love what you said about your boys.:)
and how they are LIVING.
I need to remember that too with Sam.
We had such fun with you all today and at the Preserve yesterday.
Happy Friday night!