Friday, October 31, 2008

my own Indiana Jones

Yesterday Jonah & Gideon had a Fall Costume Party at the Mothers Day Out where they go. Jonah, was insistent that he wanted to be Indiana Jones. In order to insure the authenticity of his outfit it was crucial for us to dress him while constantly consulting a coloring book of Indiana that he has. He is a little obsessed. His outfit did turn out rather well. He got lots of compliments, and the best part is, that we had everything he needed. With a house full of boys, is in any wonder that we had things like: a whip, a gun with holster, a hat, a bag for "gems", and lots of khaki clothes! He looked great and had a blast!

Thursday, October 23, 2008

play time

The boys are "peacefully" playing outside, as I sit and type and watch them interact. Like always they are making up fighting, killing, defending games. Games in which each participant needs a weapon. I hear them say things like, "Caleb, pretend that we have to protect the castle from evil predators." and, "What are you doing master?" Gid tries to join in, but he is tolerated more than he is included. They are having fun pretending, and I am having fun watching them play.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

life in the new house

Well we have moved in and its been a tedious process trying to get settled. For me, settled means every box is unpacked, there are curtains on the windows, pictures on the walls and everyone is happy! We are so very close. In the mean time we have been immensely enjoying the house and our friends and family. Here are a few photos of how we have spent our time since moving in.

Caleb lost his first tooth!

Swimming in the pool with Aidan!

Playing backyard golf with Daddy, in our flat and big backyard!

Gid wanted to join in too. He brought me what he thought was the appropriate golfing attire.

We have been having so much fun in our new house and yard. It is perfect for us!