Sunday, June 15, 2008

the week...a look back

So much and yet so little has been happening the past few days that finding the time to post has been almost impossible. As I mentioned previously, Rosie is staying with us for a bit, and we have been trying to show her our life here. We have taken her on our weekly trip to the library where we were entertained by a "silly singer." (part of our summer reading program) We went hiking at The Preserve, and there has been plenty of swimming thrown in. Mixed in with all of that we have been having daily reading time, xbox show downs, and errand running. We have had a marvelous time.
On top of all of the wonderful things we have been up to this week, we also had a small mishap. Jonah was playing with a bar stool, when it accidentally fell over and unto his big toe. His toe immediately turned a blackish purple color and swelled up. The night that followed was maybe one of the worst he or I experienced. He was in a tremendous amount of pain, and was only able to sleep for a few minutes at a time, off and on. He is doing much better now, after a trip to the doctor for some antibiotics and pain medicine. And we are trying to resume life as normal around here....
Of course today is Father's Day! And Mike is currently spending the afternoon of this day with Caleb at the golf course. He is busy doing exactly what he wants to do...playing golf with his son!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Poor Jonah. Tell him his Godmother says Hi and that we will be praying for him to feel better.
Love to all,