Sunday, May 11, 2008

family love

Today is Mother's Day and we had the wonderful chance to spend the weekend with my Mom. Sadly, it has been a few years since we had the chance to spend Mothers Day with my own mother, so it is so nice to be here. However, along with it being Mothers Day today, my brother graduated from college yesterday, and Mike's birthday is tomorrow. Needless to say it has been and will continue to be a very busy and hectic weekend. But like most things in our life it will also be wonderful.

I come from a family of 7 children, and 2 of my brothers and 1 sister still live at home. My other sisters and their families live very close and my recently graduated brother is in the process of moving to Chile to teach for 6 months. That means that whenever we all get together you can absolutely expect 2 things: there will be food, and we will be loud. And even though we are made up of many different personalities and tolerances, and we may have the occasional disagreement we all love each other.

That is the key I think: love. Love compels us to do things we really would rather not do. Love gives us the ability to sacrifice our own personal desires and let someone else choose instead. Love, if we let it, can allow us to overlook the negative and appreciate the positive. If we choose it, love for our family can turn any event we have into a beautiful expression of our unique blending of personalities and of course into a party!


Heather Raven said...

Hey Sarah,

Tina told me about your blog the other day. I was so excited!!! Look forward to reading more.

Love you,
Aunt Heather !!!

beckyviz said...

Billy's moving to Chile?! How is it that I live next door and never know these things? What will he be teaching? What an awesome experience for him! We will certainly miss his smiling face around here.