Sunday, December 7, 2008
my baby is growing up
Friday, December 5, 2008
Friday, October 31, 2008
my own Indiana Jones
Thursday, October 23, 2008
play time
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
life in the new house
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
dry humor
Thursday, August 28, 2008
boys will be boys
Wednesday, August 6, 2008

There have been many reunions since we've been back. Reuniting with family, old friends, older friends, and even acquaintances. The one common thread is that each person who I tell, "No, we aren't just visiting. We have moved here!," has had the same reaction: excited joy! Everyone here seems to be so happy that we have moved back. At first it struck me as kind of odd. Even people I didn't know that well seemed to be really happy for us, but then I realized why.
For us, coming back to Augusta was like coming home. Mike and I both went to college here, we're married here, had 2 of our children here, made numerous friends here, and my mom's entire family (all 33 of them) and all my brothers and sisters live here. Most people that know us, know my family as well, and I think their joy for us is over us coming back to all of that. Whatever the reason, it has been so nice to get such warm responses from everyone when they learn we have returned.
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
In the quiet of the early morning, before anyone else is awake, Jonah gets up and comes to snuggle in my lap. We sit here silently. It is so peaceful and brushing his head with a kiss I realize that this little boy is mine. Mine to love, mine to hold, mine to raise up in the way that he should go. And I feel privileged for the opportunity. Today, I pray I realize what a gift all my children are.
Thursday, July 31, 2008
slip of the holy tongue?
week 3 begins
As we start our 3rd week here, we have begun to adopt a saying of Padre Pio: "Pray, hope, and don't worry!" I'm learning everyday how much God loves our family. He has brought us here, and he will take care of us.
Saturday, July 19, 2008
what we left behind
Well...we are here. We made the first wave of our move to Augusta this week, and let me tell you it has been crazy. We've gotten Caleb registered for school, Mike started working, and we celebrated our good friend Cathleen's 30th birthday. But it's not over yet. Tomorrow we are going to look at houses and then on Sunday we celebrate our bro-in-law Tony and our niece Kailyn's birthday. It is a whirlwind. And as we are enjoying all of these wonderful times and new experiences we are missing what we left in Birmingham.
The biggest reason for our move to AL, 11 months ago, was because of family. Mike's sister Moe & her husband Joe and their 3 wonderful children live there. And not only them, but Joe's whole family too, who we dearly love. We have made so many great memories with them and will miss them dearly. While clearing out my camera I came across some photos from the 4th of July weekend that we all spent together.
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Hamster Dance
Rosie introduced us to this song, and the boys love it! Although it does make them a little crazy!
a look back on our time with Rosie
We played a lot of dominoes that same weekend. In the end it came down to Mike and my Grandfather. I think Mike won, but we all had a super fun time!
Friday, July 11, 2008
days of peaceful chaos
As we go through these days, amid all of the hecticness, there is a certain peace and calm too. I know that it is all due to the hundreds of prayers being said each day for us. And I am blessed. I am amazed at how much we have gotten done, and how quickly we have accomplished it. And I have been truly blessed my husband. He is a wonderful man that really knows me better than I know myself. He has been the steady voice of reason through everything, and I have never felt closer to him. God always has a way of "turning all things to good for those who love him."
Thursday, July 10, 2008
neighbors and friends
the gate the Mikes put in, joining our yard to theirs
the dentisit
It was such a wonderful experience. (How often can you say that about a dentist visit?!) The boys were extremely well behaved, even Gideon. Every person on the staff smiled when they saw us coming and kept saying how cute and good they were. One lady, Bessie, even stole Gideon away for awhile to show him to another hygienist. Even when they were being a little rowdy ("quietly" racing down the hallway), the office ladies were commenting on how well behaved they were.
As a parent, this was something that I needed. What a great affirmation of our parenting! It was so nice to have our children act exactly like I wanted them to, the moment that I wanted them to.
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
a post long overdue
The Friday when they arrived, Mike received a phone call from someone he used to work for in GA offering him a position in my home town. When I first heard about the offer I was shocked and immediately thought, "no." I was so overwhelmed. I feel so comfortable here in this house, in this city, that I didn't really want to give all that up. But what happened over the next few days changed my mind. Not only did we have everyone we knew praying for us to make a Godly decision, but Mike and I spent hours upon hours talking through the pros & cons of moving. Finally we came to the joint conclusion that we needed to move! (Even as I write this, I'm overcome with how huge this decision was!)
So here we go again. We have moved 5 times since we have been married (not counting the 2 times we moved within the same city), and it is getting really old. One of our hopes in moving this time, is that it will be our last. The good thing about moving so much though, is that we are pros at it. We know exactly what we need to do in order to get the house "sale ready", and I now know that as I go through closets, drawers, and attics, if there is stuff in there that we haven't used since we moved here...throw it out. We have become very streamlined in what we keep.
So that is why I haven't posted in so long, I have been sorting, cleaning, organizing, trashing, good-willing, and just flat out being exhausted. Please keep us in your prayers over the next weeks, and months. Pray that our house will sell... quickly, and that God will bless our moving and our family. Thank you in advance... God will be faithful!
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
a night with Jonah
Jonah and I have similar personalities in that we like order and routine. So we had a very structured night. He cleared the table, putting things exactly where they go, and then he and Mike gave Bowden a much needed bath on the deck. I looked up from washing the dishes at one point and saw such a wonderful look of contentment on his face. He was so proud to be Daddy's helper with this job. Then it was bath, book, and bed. And even though our routine is simple and uncomplicated, it was a beautiful night. I love it when God gives us glimpses into the minds of our children, while simultaneously expanding our heart a little more with love for them.
Friday, June 27, 2008
a good time
While my grandparents are here we plan on doing a lot of relaxing, making a trip to Hobby Lobby, going to the pool, watching old movies, and eating good food! My grandparents are so cool. They might be older in age, but they are so very young in spirit. Last night we played Family Feud, and it was so much fun. Everyone participated, even Jonah. Although he would give answers like, "A,B" and "it's luggage Dad!" Which didn't really make any sense, but it did make it loads of fun. Well, this post is exceedingly long and rambling, so I will end it with this final note: I love my family!
Friday, June 20, 2008
painting with Rosie
Today, like Sarah said I went over to Tricia's house for an art lesson. First I picked out one of Tricia's paintings that I wanted to learn how to do. Then we got right to work. I sketched my painting with chalk and then started to paint. I started mod pauging the skirt and then painting the face. Next Tricia said to start doing the umbrella. Just then Sarah came over to see our progress and gave me the idea of doing the checkered pattern on the umbrella. After that we did the background and then the hair(which by the way is the same color as mine). Before long it was time for the final touches like, painting the sides of the canvas and writing my name in the corner. In 4 hours I had created a masterpiece, and here it is!
My 3 Sons
Jonah is our little Jedi. He is out of his mind for anything Star Wars. In this picture he is showing a gem, while wielding his light saber. Jonah makes me laugh. He is always up for a good time and is incredibly sweet to both of his brothers, but especially Caleb. He always makes sure that Caleb never gets left out or forgotten.
And last, but not least is Gideon. Gideon is very musical. He loves to make music, he loves to listen to music, and he loves to dance to music. I love watching him dance. He squats down to the floor and bounces up and down, while holding his hands at his sides, fist balled up. He really is the cutest little thing!
I love my 3 sons. I'm so glad that God blessed us with all boys. Not only do we get them, but they in turn have each other. They have each other to fight with, pretend with, play with, laugh with, and sometimes even cry with. They bring so much joy to each other, and they are my joy as well.
Thursday, June 19, 2008
not for the weak stomached
Me: Sam, do you want a wipe for that cut, instead of licking the blood off of your hand?
Sam: I like licking my blood.
Caleb: Yeah, blood tastes really good.
Jonah: Mom, I'm licking my blood right now, and it really does taste good!
my own little Randy!
p.s. Daddy is not coming home to "kill Ralphie"
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
brothers and friends
Sunday, June 15, 2008
the week...a look back
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
Sunday, May 25, 2008
a golden day
Friday, May 23, 2008

Thursday, May 22, 2008
taking it easy
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
swim sessions
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
school's out

It is easy for me to get so caught up in the day to day living of laundry, dishes, straightening, and other things to do that I sometimes forget to just enjoy my life; enjoy my children. I don't want to get so busy crossing things off of my "to do list" that I don't make time for the things that are really important.
With that in mind, I have come up with a game plan for the summer. There will be structure, because there would be chaos without it, but it will be fun. I want us to go to the library, to swim, to play outside, to do chores, to have family prayers, but mostly, I want us to be a family. I am really looking forward to this summer. I'm looking forward to a break from the crazy schedule of the school year. And I am really looking forward to spending some really great quality time with my boys!
Friday, May 16, 2008
if it was...
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Daddy's little boy
Sunday, May 11, 2008
family love
I come from a family of 7 children, and 2 of my brothers and 1 sister still live at home. My other sisters and their families live very close and my recently graduated brother is in the process of moving to Chile to teach for 6 months. That means that whenever we all get together you can absolutely expect 2 things: there will be food, and we will be loud. And even though we are made up of many different personalities and tolerances, and we may have the occasional disagreement we all love each other.
That is the key I think: love. Love compels us to do things we really would rather not do. Love gives us the ability to sacrifice our own personal desires and let someone else choose instead. Love, if we let it, can allow us to overlook the negative and appreciate the positive. If we choose it, love for our family can turn any event we have into a beautiful expression of our unique blending of personalities and of course into a party!
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
time with dad
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
Gideon is at such a special age. He is in the imitating stage of toddler hood. If you make a sound or give something a name he will do his best to make the same sound. Of course, in his mind he is saying exactly what we have just said, but we hear something a bit different. He also tries to do everything we are doing. When Mike is in the shower, he hikes his chubby little leg up and tries to join his daddy. When the boys jump off the edge of part of our yard and into a pile of leaves, he wants to jump too. He picks up the remote control and plays Lego Star Wars with his brothers. He thinks he is much older than his 15 months, and I love him for it.
Monday, May 5, 2008
Thursday, May 1, 2008
simple living

Wednesday, April 30, 2008
give me the good stuff

Growing up, my mom could never make enough bacon. Even if she cooked 2 lbs, the scene at the breakfast table would inevitably end up the same way. The bacon plate would start out piled high, and by the middle of the meal my mom was quickly scooping up the last remaining pieces of bacon for my dad (she always made sure that he got the last pieces).
Today in our house bacon is just as revered. I feel like I can never make enough. So what is this phenomenon? Are men born with an innate love of crispy swine? Or is this behaviour learned? Do fathers pass on to their sons the manliness of loving bacon? I don't know why men are such fanatics about bacon, but I do know that I will continue to make bacon for the men in my life... and plenty of it.
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
family phrases
We also have a couple of phrases we like. Chill your monkey means calm down, relax, be patient. And the phrase cork your noodle means to be quiet, to stop speaking, to hush.
I'm not exactly sure how theses phrases came into existence, but I think they were initially used as alternatives to words and phrases we did not what to use around the kids. Words like stupid and shut-up. How they came into existence doesn't matter. I'm just glad that they did because I really enjoy using them. And they are catchy. My nephews have incorporated them into their own vocabularies. Who knows... you might use them one day yourself.
There are more phrases which I will share at a later time. Feel free to share your own!
Monday, April 28, 2008
little works of art

Saturday, April 26, 2008
in laws
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
every new day
"When I was young, the smallest trick of light,
Through distant deeps and skies,
This is a song by Five Iron Frenzy, that I have listend to many, many times. As I heard it again today I realized once again how powerful each line, each word is. Read it again. It gives me so much hope. I have countless memories of singing the last two lines as loud as I could with all of my heart, "Here's my heart, let it be FOREVER your's, only YOU can make every new day seem so new!" (Click here to hear the song.)
Monday, April 21, 2008
a good brother
my husband

Sunday, April 20, 2008
I am blessed
-spending time outside with my boys
-Gid's hugs & laughter
-feeling beautiful on the arm of my dashing husband
-seeing the passion of my friend displayed in her art show
-overhearing the boys pretend Star Wars with Sam
-eating dinner on the deck
-enjoying day after day of beautiful weather
-having dinner with adults 2 nights in a row
-having wonderful family and the best neighbors
-watching baseball with Mike
As I recall the events of the past few days I realize how incredibly blessed I am. There is so much in my life that I have to be thankful for.
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
little black dress
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
my little blessings

And then this morning, when Gid woke up from his nap, he had the sweetest expression on his face. He was so happy to see me, so glad to be awake. He had a little red mark on his cheek from where he had been laying and he reached for me with his pudgy baby hands. I held him and hugged him and kissed him. He rested his head on my shoulder and I felt so blessed to be his mom.
we might be obsessed

Monday, April 14, 2008
out of the mouths of babes
Saturday, April 12, 2008
The weather here was perfect, and we weren't the only ones who had noticed. The zoo was packed out! I almost decided to skip it, but instead I made the choice to go in and just enjoy the time with my boys. I'm so glad I did. We had a fabulous time. I went in with no agenda, no time that we had to leave, no anything. I let Caleb & Jonah decide where to go and how long to stay at each exhibit. It was so peaceful, and I found myself relaxing. Even as I write that last sentence, I can't believe it. The zoo has never been a relaxing place for me. But today it was, and I know that it has everything to do with the choice I made at the beginning of the outing. The choice to
enjoy the time.
I realize now that me taking them to the zoo near the end of the day could have really been a disaster had I not made the choice to enjoy it. I thought of other times when my response has not been a good one because I made the choice to let my anger determine my reaction to a particular situation. I thank God that today he gave me the grace to make the right choice. And that he gave us such a beautiful day together!
Friday, April 11, 2008
boys will be boys
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
the Preserve
We love to be outside. And right down the street from us is the most beautiful place to hike, The Preserve. There are wonderful trails with rocks and logs to climb over, rivers, huge rocks for climbing and even a waterfall. When my brother visited us a couple of weeks ago we took him there and had the best afternoon. He even free climbed! There is something so peaceful and yet invigorating about being outside in nature. And it helped that 2 of the boys favorite guys were there to guide them into doing crazy stuff like climbing onto rocks that Mom thought might be a bit too big for them.
the power of RUN
This past week I skipped 2 days in a row. Sunday we did family things all day, and Monday Jonah was sick so I stayed with him. Needless to stay that by Tuesday afternoon I was really not feeling like myself. I was feeling like a frustrated, tired, and irritable version of me. We were supposed to go play family tennis yesterday, but my wonderful husband, knowing the state I was in let me go for a run, all by myself, instead. Around the last mile, I suddenly realized that all of the junk that I had been feeling the past couple of days was gone.
I felt transformed. I went from being Frankenstein's monster to my real self again. I love running!!
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
A good nights sleep??
When Caleb was born I was still finishing up college, so whenever I wasn't studying or in class, he was with me. This included nighttime. However, when Jonah came along Mike and I decided that we would do it differently. From a very young age he slept in his crib. We had a lot of success with this, and even to this day Jonah mostly prefers to sleep in his own bed.
Having shared all of this we now come to our present day situation. Here is a quick snap shot of what I woke up to this morning. (from left to right) Mike barely hanging on the bed, Caleb spread eagle in the middle of the bed with his left foot somehow wrapped around Mikes leg, Jonah clutching his blanket next to me, and finally me. I am pushed all the way to the very edge of the bed.
As I continue to slowly wake up I recall what happened last night. I remember falling asleep just Mike and I, and then around 3am, Jonah coming in complaining about his ear hurting. But I don't remember putting him in the bed. And how in the world did Caleb get in? And not only get in, but why does he get the most space? This is what I woke up to. Questions about the nighttime activity and a sore neck!
Sadly, this is not the first time this has happened. So what do we do now? Is there a remedy for children in the bed? Will they really grow out of this? Do I have to wait 14 years until it happens? I don't know the answers to these questions, but I hope that sometime in the very near future I can wake up one morning with everyone waking in the same place they fell asleep in.
Monday, April 7, 2008
Hair raising
When he was done, I held him up to show him how it looked. "I look like Anakin," he proudly said. Of course, everything in someway or another always seems to relate back to Star Wars. I then asked Caleb if he wanted his hair in the Anakin style. His response, "No, no, no,"