Well...we are here. We made the first wave of our move to Augusta this week, and let me tell you it has been crazy. We've gotten Caleb registered for school, Mike started working, and we celebrated our good friend Cathleen's 30th birthday. But it's not over yet. Tomorrow we are going to look at houses and then on Sunday we celebrate our bro-in-law Tony and our niece Kailyn's birthday. It is a whirlwind. And as we are enjoying all of these wonderful times and new experiences we are missing what we left in Birmingham.
The biggest reason for our move to AL, 11 months ago, was because of family. Mike's sister Moe & her husband Joe and their 3 wonderful children live there. And not only them, but Joe's whole family too, who we dearly love. We have made so many great memories with them and will miss them dearly. While clearing out my camera I came across some photos from the 4th of July weekend that we all spent together.
But honey we are so glad that you are here. And remember - dinner at my house - anytime you like.
Love you,
Aunt Heather
Move to Augusta? I must be out of the loop! That's awesome! I had no idea you were coming home! Love it!
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