Friday, July 11, 2008

days of peaceful chaos

These past few days have been marathon days. We start early in the morning working on one thing or another for the house, and really don't stop until dinner...and sometimes keep working after that! I have to admit that I got a little crazy. It seems that whenever I have a task to complete, I have a hard time thinking of anything else, or doing anything else. In this case, I made a list everyday of what I needed to accomplish, and I HAD to cross off everything on the list by the end of the day. Needless to say, Mike does not work this way.... at all. But, only through the grace of God, we have been able to work as a team throughout this whole process. Mike ended up taking a day off work to get us ready to go, which was a huge blessing. What was even more amazing was that without even seeing my list, he helped me to cross things off of it.

As we go through these days, amid all of the hecticness, there is a certain peace and calm too. I know that it is all due to the hundreds of prayers being said each day for us. And I am blessed. I am amazed at how much we have gotten done, and how quickly we have accomplished it. And I have been truly blessed my husband. He is a wonderful man that really knows me better than I know myself. He has been the steady voice of reason through everything, and I have never felt closer to him. God always has a way of "turning all things to good for those who love him."

1 comment:

Heather Raven said...

Tell Mike I know how he feels. I live with the ultimate list maker.