Wednesday, July 2, 2008

a night with Jonah

Caleb was exhausted yesterday and ended up putting himself to bed even before dinner. This meant that Mike and I got to spend a lot of good time with Jonah. Sometimes I feel like he gets stuck in the middle, literally screaming for our attention (he is a very LOUD child). Not as big as Caleb, but not a toddler with demanding needs like Gideon. Anyway, it was great!
Jonah and I have similar personalities in that we like order and routine. So we had a very structured night. He cleared the table, putting things exactly where they go, and then he and Mike gave Bowden a much needed bath on the deck. I looked up from washing the dishes at one point and saw such a wonderful look of contentment on his face. He was so proud to be Daddy's helper with this job. Then it was bath, book, and bed. And even though our routine is simple and uncomplicated, it was a beautiful night. I love it when God gives us glimpses into the minds of our children, while simultaneously expanding our heart a little more with love for them.

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