Caleb's last day of school was today, which means that he is done with Kindergarten and I now am the parent of a 1st grader. I can really not believe it! It feels like such a short time ago that he was Gideon's age; toddling around the house, taking naps, smiling his squinty smile, and being little. He is little no more and as I think about the young boy that he is I realize that all those people that said, "Enjoy it, they grow up so fast," were right.
It is easy for me to get so caught up in the day to day living of laundry, dishes, straightening, and other things to do that I sometimes forget to just enjoy my life; enjoy my children. I don't want to get so busy crossing things off of my "to do list" that I don't make time for the things that are really important.
With that in mind, I have come up with a game plan for the summer. There will be structure, because there would be chaos without it, but it will be fun. I want us to go to the library, to swim, to play outside, to do chores, to have family prayers, but mostly, I want us to be a family. I am really looking forward to this summer. I'm looking forward to a break from the crazy schedule of the school year. And I am really looking forward to spending some really great quality time with my boys!
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