Tuesday, March 10, 2009

things you find on a golf course

Mike came home from golfing on Sunday with a little surprise for the boys...and a big surprise for Mommy!

Yes, thats right... a yellow-bellied silder! Now if you know me, then you know that I am not super fond of animals. I love dogs, and that's pretty much where the affection stops. So I was a little worried that I might not enjoy being a turtle owner. However, turtles rock! They pretty much just sit, swim, and slide around. Thats it!

We are now in the process of trying to name the little guy. Mike suggested we name him something "golfy" like: Tiger, Bogie, or Par. But the boys aren't sure yet. Caleb keeps calling him Tater, after his cousin Abbie's red-eared slider. Will figure out a name soon enough. Until then we will just enjoy being turtle owners!

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