Tuesday, September 2, 2008

dry humor

I've heard of kids climbing into the dryer before, but I've never seen it... until today! After I got the laundry out of the dryer, I apparently left the door open, because when I went to change the laundry from the washer to the dryer, Jonah had closed Gid inside it. Jonah said that Gid had climbed up into it. Jonah would knock on the dryer door, and then open it up and say, "Hello," and make Gid laugh hysterically.


Anonymous said...

Too cute ... and funny.

Anonymous said...

oh giddy i just love him!!good thing Nonah didn't turn it on!:(

Anonymous said...

He is the most precious darling in the world!! How I love my little Giddy!!! "Gramy" The name he gave me the last time he stayed with us!!!!