Last week, Caleb came home from school with the brilliant idea for us to make paper airplanes. So, the boys changed out of their uniforms and I made us some popcorn and got the paper ready. The first couple of airplanes we made didn't fly very far and the big boys were getting frustrated. They once saw me make an amazing airplane that flew really far, but I have NO idea how I did it! So we finally decided to resort to the wisdom of The Dangerous Book for Boys. Jonah went and got the book and was very leary about me reading out of it. He kept holding it very tightly, saying, "I don't know Mom. I'm pretty sure girls aren't allowed to look in here." Finally he gave in and and we followed their instructions on how to make an airplane that would fly more than a couple of inches.

They spent the rest of the afternoon perfecting the airplanes and shoving popcorn in their mouths. On a side note: the only way my boys know how to eat popcorn is by taking giant handfuls and shoving it into their mouths. Is this normal boy behavior?
1 comment:
That sounds like Jonah.
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