The boys are sick.
They have been for what seems like forever. Caleb started it all on Sunday and each morning since then a new boy, including Mike, wakes up with the same fever and aches. This is all coming on top of them having a different fever virus two weeks ago. Needless to say I am growing exhausted of my children being unhealthy.
When a family is sick, one often has sympathy for the suffering, but over the past 3 weeks I have come to realize that sympathy need also be extended to the caregiver. God has spared me of having the virus, thankfully, but I find myself becoming incredibly overwhelmed with trying to take care of everyone.
I'm run down from lack of sleep.
I'm tired of hearing, "Mom... I need a tissue....I need a drink....I need, I need, I need!"
I'm weak with seeing my children and husband so limp and lifeless.
Yesterday I was in "the depths of despair, " (Anne of Green Gables) and I stood crying and thinking- "I can't do this anymore!"
But today is a new day. Today I know that God will give me the grace. He has to. I've been praying, praying, praying. Not for anything specific, but just praying. And I am comforted in the knowledge that in time this too will pass. I am comforted because through my praying God has given me peace. My goal, my hope is to get through this being the best mother/wife/nurse that I can.
Instead of a burden, I'm looking at this as an opportunity. I can be Jesus to my family right now in a very real way. I can lay down my life for them by getting them a tissue, a drink, a blanket, or whatever they need. So I will continue to pray- "Lord, keep the grace coming."