What to post? There are so many, many things going on right now it's hard to pick just one. We are having a beautiful deck built on the back of house and it has turned the backyard into a circus practice facility. The boys are constantly trying to tight-rope-walk the uncovered beams. Hopefully that will be finished in the next couple of days!
Also, baseball season has begun and both Caleb and Jonah are playing on two different teams. We have had only one practice and I am already having regrets about signing them up. It might be too much for us to handle. We are a family that prioritizes having dinner together every night, and I fear that baseball season will have a very negative affect on our dinner plans.
And finally- I have entered the wonderful world of couponing! It is a rather significant investment of time and energy, but we are seeing HUGE savings on our grocery bill.
I feel so blessed with our life right now. God has given us so very much. Everywhere I turn and everything I think about feels like a gift. What a great place to be!